Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Daiwa Rods as my weapon of choice

I have been using Daiwa Rods for some years and have a different rod for each fishing situation.

One reason for this is that catching different species of fish requires the ability to be able to firstly, cast whatever fishing tackle I need for the type of fish I am targeting into the right area.

Secondly have the sensitivity to feel what is going on at the other end of the line, and thirdly have the strength and backbone to deal with whatever size or aggressiveness of the fish I catch.

I have started to write about a few of the experiences I have had using Daiwa Rods, and the first part is entitled Daiwa Rods and Big Fish

Daiwa Rods and Big Fish
There is nothing better than heading out to sea on a crystal clear morning just as the sun starts to peak over the horizon.

You get that red glow above as the sun starts to light up the sky, below as the ocean becomes more visible it is like the boat is gliding through a pool of silky smooth oil.

We are heading out to our favourite couple of marks about 6 mile out to sea at a depth of around 36 fathoms, our weapons of choice for today are Daiwa rods, and big fish is what we are hoping to find.

On our way to our destination we cross several other small reefs along the way so I decide to troll a couple of Rapala X-rap Magnum fishing lures out the back in the hope of picking up a Mackerel or even a yellow fin tuna.

My favourite one of these lures is the silver body with the red head, this lure has done me proud many times and there are a few teeth marks in the paint work down the side of the body from a few near misses as well

The Daiwa rods I have on board for trolling are the Saltiga G Boat rods, the matchup of quality components on these rods gives them greater strength and lifting power to be able to control powerful fish. They are a great combination, Daiwa Rods and big fish!

Read Full article Here

For a range of Daiwa Rods I use, check them out here, Daiwa Rods

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